Choosing a daycare is an important decision that one
should take after much consideration. It plays a vital role in your child’s
development. Before selecting any daycare for your children, you should make
sure to observe every factor associated with your child’s growth.
Meet the caregiver and observe his behavior for a day or
two. Look for the five following qualities in a caregiver at the child care
Listen and Respond
This is the first quality you should find in the caregiver while looking for a daycare in Coquitlam. Observe the behavior of the caregiver
and find out how he reacts to child’s questions. Does he listen well and
respond the child in an appropriate way?
Sense of Humor
It is important to keep children occupied while being
away from their home. The care instructor should be able to develop a sense of
humor in children so that they can enjoy each other’s company. It is a good way
to keep them busy and enjoy the time while away from their parents.
Respond with Care
Your little kids can be shy, fearful or angry at times.
For a caregiver, it is important to respond with care so that they can feel
comfortable. He should be responsible to take care of children while dealing
with their mood swings.
Encourage Children
A good daycare in Coquitlam always ensures that children
should be encouraged to help each other. It is the foremost quality which
should be developed in the early years of children. A qualified caregiver takes
care of encouraging children.
Initiate Conversations
While visiting a daycare in Coquitlam, you should attend
to the conversations between the caregiver and the children. Is the caregiver
able to begin conversations with children besides announcements, instructions
and commands? By starting the interaction, he helps children to learn how to
communicate and express themselves.
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