The concept of daycare has swept the world with the introduction of early education in children. There are many debaters around the world, who wish to argue the goods of a preschool or child daycare, it has been long established that early education is the founding layers in the learning years of a child. A child that is taught early and groomed early has a better chance of developing skills and qualities than one reared late.
Early Education Theories
Montessori form of education and other parallel styles such as preschools and kindergarten form the basis of modern education. Today, every household ponders over early education and its role in the physical and mental development of a child. More so, for children with special needs, early education has been a boon in their treatment. Similarly, there are children with learning difficulties, who get support and care from teachers at daycare in Coquitlam.
Promoting capabilities in a child
The main concept behind early education and childcare is the promotion of capabilities of a child. More than following a concept of teaching a child to do what he or she is taught, it is essential to let them perform or act on their own. Children, who are given the freedom to explore their surroundings and use certain objects at their own free will, tend to use and enhance their capabilities in the long run.
Activity-based Learning
The use of different activities such as color identification, playing with movable letters and using imagination while learning are among the many facets of early education. A quality daycare in Coquitlam offers activity-based learning to help children use their capabilities, understanding and curious minds to learn new skills and discover their interests.
Identify Skills and Interests
Through early introduction of formal education and care to a child’s life, we help them identify their skills and interests. Every child is unique and has a special inclination. Children who are good at arts, music, performing arts, socializing or like to explore their surroundings or are inquisitive can be easily identified in a group. Preschool training and Montessori education helps them to perform at their own merit or desire and enhance their skills under the guidance and support of a trained teacher.
Today, Montessori education and preschool training is popular in all parts of Canada. It is seen as a necessary step before compulsory education in a child’s life.
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