Are you a parent in Coquitlam, B.C.? Are you giving some thought to your child’s pre-school education? Just what are the benefits of pre-school? Is it really necessary? Whatever preschool in Coquitlam you choose, make sure you remain realistic about the process and sensitive to your child’s development.
Ultimately, you know your child best. The primary benefits of preschool in Coquitlam will probably be social. There are also educational benefits. Your child may adjust faster to kindergarten, though studies suggest that this edge levels off in the first couple of years as other children catch up. The evidence of improved social development is stronger and it stands to reason. In a preschool environment, a child is in a position where they must interact with peers in a more structured way.
This means learning how to be polite, learning how to wait their turn, learning that they can’t always be the centre of attention. In other words, the development of critical and social skills which will have benefits throughout their life. When a child enters a social environment, they begin to have their personality tested for the first time. They begin to form a complex social identity. We all know there are benefits in life to being a little streetwise and preschool can loosen kids up a little and show them the ropes.
When you think you’ve found the right preschool in Coquitlam, take the time to visit and observe the classroom environment. See that there’s proper supervision in the play areas. Get a sense of the atmosphere. Your child deserves the best opportunities possible to grow, develop and mature.
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