Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Selecting the Right Daycare for your Little Genius

It is that time of the year again when parents can be seen queuing up outside day care centers and preschools. The search for a top quality day care center can leave you tired and exhausted at the end of the day. If you are looking in the wrong direction again and again, it is important that you first sit and put your priorities on paper.

Why Do You Need a Preschool?

The first thing that should be clear in your mind is your need for a preschool. It should be understood as to why you are looking for a child day care center. Is it your child’s age old, cultural norms, societal pressure, lack of time or a parental responsibility that you are looking for the perfect second home and early school for your child? If you cannot write the various reasons behind your search for a child daycare in Coquitlam, then probably you do not need one.

Many single parents and even couples find it necessary to give that much required break to their child from the day-to-day home routine. They need to learn different skills, play and share, indulge in habit forming exercises and group activities. Therefore, it s a boon as well as a necessity to send your children to the preschool as early as you can manage.

Where Do You Need It?
The location of a day care center is also important for your child. Since your child is still at a tender age, avoid selecting preschools very far from your place. All the traveling and time lag can result in fatigue and even home sickness. A local yet well-facilitated child daycare center is a necessity for each child.

What All You Need In a Preschool?

The preschool should be safe, clean, hygienic and motivating to the child. Any child who doesn’t have the right environment in the formative years may not be able to develop physically and mentally to his or her prime. Hence, it is important that you enroll your child at a sough after child care center that offers the best learning experience, playground and sports activities, extra-curricular activity etc.

Additional Facilities and Roles

Any preschool or child daycare center that offers qualified caregivers and certified teaching staff should be your first choice. Remember to look for special arrangements and cultural celebrations that will help your child learn tolerance and appreciation.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

What amount should you be planned to pay for a Daycare service?

The answer to this simple question isn’t as simple as it seems because it depends on several significant factors. There are specific reasons of why you are opting for such a service & specific financial background which varies from person to person. Some of these reasons are given below.

Firstly, the charges of daycare in Coquitlam depend on the area you are living in. There are some regions which are considered Porsche & the people living there can easily pay a handsome charge for a daycare service. While there are other regions where middle class families live & survive for whom it is not possible to pay for a high charge to such services.

Secondly, it also depends on the number of hours of service taken in use especially in case when you opt for a service provider that charges at hourly rates.

Thirdly, it depends on the facilities you are seeking from the daycare service provider, whether you need traditional service hours of morning to evening or you want some special arrangements for your child. You may just ask for general childcare services for a wholesome development as that of some classroom environment where your child can play & learn various things. In such a case, the rate charged by the service provider will be than the one in which you requires the service to extend till late in the night & even want some special privileges to be given to your child in the period of daycare like excessive recreational activities & so on.

Fourthly & lastly, it depends on the type of daycare service provider you are opting for your child. There is a wide range like that of schools from lower charges and facilities to higher fees & global exposure. It greatly depends on your affordability to choose from one of the services provided in your area keeping in mind the budget that would not otherwise, strain your expenses. A housewife or mother can act as a n equivalent day care intern for his own child if she can manage to set all his work along with this need of her child’s development.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Do you know what your day care provider have in mind for you?

The world is changing & so, are the needs. We can’t easily control them & it really takes a lot of mental strength to do the same. Similarly, when it comes to nurture the childhood of our little babies, we don’t want to compromise at all. Yet, there is reality in which we’re living & we’ve to accept that. In today’s lives, it is not possible to run your household activities & survive with high end needs without having your spouse in a working state as well. And it’s fine as the contemporary world suggest that thing. In between all this, we want to serve our children with the best possible alternative for his childhood development. the service provider who helps us in these needs have different kind of notions related to several different kinds of parents existing in this world.

Your daycare provider in Coquitlam, like any other businessman, may fool us by making use of diplomatic & soft language to explain what they will offer in their service. Instead, they think that we can’t give attention to our child’s growth & therefore, opted for such a service. However, no parent is proud of doing this. Excuses, reality, circumstance & time may have affected them to take this step. No matter whether it’s truth or an excuse, it certainly sends a message to the service provider. They can easily judge our words & understand when we are lying very clearly. But, they say nothing because that’s what their business is all about. To serve the client/parents in all their needs of daycare for their children. Their experience makes them to weasel yet soft words to gain parent’s trust.

No matter whether the services offered are genuine or unhelpful, they will pretend that your child is developing his abilities. Sometimes, such providers even think that parents are blind to their children’s inabilities. They want us to relax ensuring that they will take great care of our children, hitting the bull’s eye. But, they are human as well. They may not like some particular kind of children & but they have to take care of them as well.

Not all providers are same & neither are the parents. It’s just an experiential account delivered to be read. 

Monday, 2 February 2015

Why Montessori Education for your Child

Montessori style of teaching or Montessori education is one of the popular ways of teaching in many parts of the world. The first few years of a child’s life, 0 to 6 years specifically, are given special importance in the formation of the child’s personality, character and abilities in the years to come and later life.

Observing behaviors and actions
The basis of this style of education is observation. There are certified and well-trained caregivers and Montessori teachers who are specifically trained in this mode of education. They work on the different behavioral patterns of the child and how well does he grasp or behaves in a situations. Different stimuli are present in the surroundings of a child and each child behaves in a special way. It is the role of the teacher to identify the particular response of the child and how he or she reacts to a stimulus.

“Absorbent Phase”

The first 6 years of a child play a critical role in shaping his or her future. It is imperative to give them the right direction and meaning to their life through constant support and encouragement. Since the child can learn like a magic in these formative years, learn and assimilate as much as he can from his surroundings, without any conscious effort. Most children learn, grasp and emote whatever they learn in these years and keep it with them for the rest of their lives. The reactions, the response and assimilation are critical to a child’s overall development.

No Interference

Another vital aspect of Montessori education to never prove to be a hindrance or even interference in any form while the child is learning or shows enthusiasm in any activity. The use of special colors, games, puzzles, and other cycles of activities let the children respond to them in their own unique way. A Montessori teacher as well as the trained facilitators does not interfere with the way the child wants to learn or understand the stimulus.

Montessori schools and what makes them so unique!

Parents around the world are looking for Montessori day care or preschools that give their child the best of environment and a stimulating surrounding that helps them learn and grow in a natural way. No more hard, rigid classes for the tiny tots or difficult curriculums. Each child is special and so should be the mode in which they are taught. To bring out the best in the children, each Montessori daycare in Coquitlam has the facility properly molded to suit the child. Right from the height of the furniture, length and breadth of equipments and their reachability are all kept in mind.

A productive and stimulating environment holds the promise of a loving and fulfilling future. Visit one of the finest Montessori day care center and preschool in Coquitlam. Give your child the best launch pad and a second home where he can play, unwind, learn, respond, share, imbibe, emote, and craft.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Enrol your Child at a Trusted Coquitlam Daycare

The future of your child is an important concern for most parents. With the growing competition and focus on early education, it has become essential to find the best preschool for your child. However, one of the most important child care facilities required for new born and toddlers by the working parents is finding a trusted daycare.

In Coquitlam, there are a number of child daycare centers that need to offer you the right child care facilities. Every parent need to be extra careful while selecting the right daycare. It should provide not just a safe and healthy environment for the children but should also focus on developing skills and learning habits in the children.

Reputation and trust in the market-

A reputed daycare enjoys the trust of many parents. One can look for referrals and find a daycare center that is trusted and used by many parents in your region.

Certified and trained care givers
The quality o caregivers, their experience and certification are some of the many determining factors while selecting a daycare in Coquitlam. Look for a top quality and established daycare that hires only certified and well-trained care givers for your children. Professionally trained and experienced caregivers are more adept at handling children and ensuring that their medically and mentally fit and have no issues during their stay at the center.

Safe, healthy and hygienic environment

The environment offered by a daycare center needs to be child-friendly. It should pose any threat or danger to the child in any form. It should be safe ad hygienic for the children. It should not result in development of any disease or ailment in the child. The environment needs to be stimulating and offer the right atmosphere even for infants and young toddlers to give the right ambience that assists them in their growth and keeping them occupied satisfactorily.

Focus on Physical and Mental Development

The daycare needs to focus on the overall development of the child; both mental and physical. It should focus on giving the right facilities, safe surroundings and a stimulating environment to encourage the child to take an active part and also learn various habits.

Distance and Surroundings

The distance of a daycare from one’s residence and its locality also play a vital role in selecting the right daycare facility for a child.

These important considerations are important while selecting the right daycare center in Coquitlam.